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About Us / is an apolitical, nonpartisan effort to present objectively searchable versions of the United States Constitution both as originally adopted and as currently amended with accompanying commentaries from across the political spectrum along with links to pertinent legal cases and statutes, related paragraphs in the Federalist Papers, and other relevant historical and interpretative content.

The goal is to inform and educate open-minded people of all political persuasions.

All are invited to get involved by suggesting additional commentaries, Federalist Paper links, or quotes. Volunteer proofreaders and content managers curators are also needed ( contact ).

For further details or to learn more about how to help and/or become involved (if only in pointing out transcription errors) or for information regarding financially supporting this site including sponsorship and advertising opportunities contact us at .

Current Commentary Collections: (as of 09/27/2024)
Note: * Indicates commentaries the text of which is included in the searchable database of our Library of Commentaries

* The Penguin Guide to the United States Constitution
   by Richard Beeman
   published by Penguin Books
* Interactive Constitution
   by Various Authors
   for National Constitution Center
* Constitution Annotated
   by Various Unattributed Authors
   for the Librarian of Congress
* The Heritage Guide to the Constitution
   by Various Authors
for The Heritage Foundation
* Miscellaneous
   by Various Authors
   for The Heritage Foundation
* Rawle
   by Joseph Story
   for ???????
* Story
   by Joseph Story
   for ???????
* U.S. Constitution Annotated
   by Various Unattributed Authors
   for Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute
   by Various Authors
   for the Wikimedia Foundation
* Cornell
   by ???? Blackstone
   for ???????
* Convention Notes
   by ???? Blackstone
   for ???????
* Federalist Papers
   by ???? Blackstone
   for ???????
* Cases
   by ???? Blackstone
   for ???????
* Blackstone's
   by ???? Blackstone
   for ???????
* Dictionaries
   by ???? Blackstone
   for ???????

Sources of Miscellaneous Commentaries: (as of 09/27/2024)
Note: The text of all commentaries from miscellaneous sources is included in the searchable database of our Library of Commentaries.
* The linked to source web page may be behind a paywall.

2 ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
4 Founders Online - National Archives
5 Heritage
6 Library of Congress
7 Los Angeles Times
8 National Constitution Center
9 New York
10 Pew Research Center
11 Regent University
12 The Atlantic
13 The Nation
14 The Wall Street Journal
15 ThoughtCo
16 Time
17 Trussel
18 Washington Post


Constitutional Hooks
