DeB 228 D IncColors CfgFld331=#B31942- XCfgFld331=#B31942- CfgFld332=#0A3161- XCfgFld332=#0A3161-

Librarian of Congress
DeB 49 B
The Constitution Annotated is a government-sanctioned legal analysis and interpretation of the Constitution compiled by the Librarian of Congress by order of Congress (???)
DeB 58- B

DeB 61- B
DeB 67 B Article Section
DeB 78-Fld09=2021011010101- Fld47=CongressBU- Fld48=2021011010101- Amdt2.1 Overview of Second Amendment, Right to Bear ArmsYY  
DeB 78-Fld09=2021011010101- Fld47=CongressBU- Fld48=2021011010101- Amdt2.2 Historical Background on Second Amendment  
DeB 78-Fld09=2021011010101- Fld47=CongressBU- Fld48=- Amdt2.3 Early Second Amendment Jurisprudence  
DeB 78-Fld09=2021011010101- Fld47=CongressBU- Fld48=- Amdt2.5 Post-Heller Issues and Application of Second Amendment to States  
DeB 78-Fld09=2021011010101- Fld47=CongressBU- Fld48=- Amdt2.6 Bruen and Concealed-Carry Licenses